The Baby is born!

During the past five months of struggle in Oaxaca numerous people have talked about this being a time of "labor pains" before a beautiful baby is born. The time of revival is upon us and we are beginning to see an openness to new things. The above photo is but one example of a group from the indigenous pacifist organization called "Las Abejas" from Chiapas, Mexico. This group has suffered greatly over the past decade but have always chosen the path of non-violence in response. Recently they sent a delegation to Oaxaca to pray with the people in the streets for a non-violent resolution to the crisis.
Angelica and I had a wonderful time in Oaxaca city last weekend visiting our friends who are starting a church in a very poor town just outside the city. We worshipped together and visited a family who also has been very involved in the struggle over the past months. The governor has announced a six point plan to restore order to Oaxaca beginning Monday (Nov. 13)including the return to work of all teachers and other government workers. We continue to pray that not only order will be restored but that a true lasting peace with justice will come about. Praise God for the "baby" that is being born in Oaxaca and maybe as confirmation the two actual babies we have seen born in the past week and two more expected anytime at Rocablanca.
Hey Dan! I fixed your blog so that people can post as an anonymous person. That way everyone that sees your blog can comment. Thanks for the email and update!
Muchas gracias, Mateo!
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