We just want to honor this man (Dan's dad) today on his 80th birthday. Here holding his grandchild number 7! He grew up on the Swedish side of Rockford, IL, attended Wheaton college and earned his Phd from Northwestern U. His marriage after college to a non-Swede would point to a life of rattling some cages and breaking down barriers. He strayed from his Swedish Covenant background to raise his family in the Evangelical Free tradition though eventually landing in the Presbyterian church. Just a quick rundown of his 80 years: teacher, coach and counselor at Wheaton Academy,

Asst. principal/counselor at East High School (his alma mater) and first Principal of Guilford High School in Rockford, IL, Asst. supt. of the Deerfield/Highland Park, IL high school district and Supt./Principal of Oak Park River Forest High School. Finishing his school administration career at the age of 57 he proceeded to search out opportunities to serve the most poor of our world through Christian ministries: Director of Legal Aid clinic at Circle Urban Ministries, Director of the Development corp. and health clinic of the Lawndale Community church, pioneer missionaries in a squatter settlement of Manila, Philippines with CARE Philippines. He was also a loving and devoted husband to his wife through her decade long struggle with Alzheimers. And always a faithful provider, wise counselor and loving dad and grandpa to his three children and seven grandchildren. My favorite memory, however, is when he was asked to give his "living testimony" on the Chicago Sunday Evening Club on the same TV program that they had also taken a risk (in the early 70's) of inviting Bill Pannell, an African American pastor and teacher to preach. Dad has always been my inspiration and a shining example of a life devoted to God's service for others.
Thank you Dad,
Dan, Angelica & Jacob
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