Thursday, January 21, 2010

Nurturing the Prophetic Imagination!

Dan is excited that his paper proposal was accepted for presentation at the above named conf. at Point Loma Nazarene Univ. in San Diego, CA. It presents a wonderful opportunity for me to reflect on my 3 decades of Latin American missions experience with a larger audience. The link for the conf. is at:
Will appreciate your prayers.

Here's the abstract:

Revolutionary Koinonia

Latin American Politics, the Mission of God and the Prophetic Imagination

This paper will benefit from my personal experience of 30 years of mission service in Latin America. I will use as milestones the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua during the 80’s, (the last violent overthrow of a dictator of the XX century), the Zapatista “cyber-revolution” in Chiapas during the 90’s (the first revolution of the XXI century) and finally finish with a reflection on contemporary events in Venezuela, Bolivia, Paraguay, Ecuador, Honduras and Mexico. My own spiritual journey was grounded in the public discipleship of what is called progressive Evangelicalism (Sojourners) and deepened by the grassroots ecumenism in the liberation struggles of Latin America and today is being widened by the global Emergent movement. We here in San Mateo Tlaixpan, Puebla, Mexico have formed a ministry in this small town which we call the Tlaixpan Cultural Center: An Ecumenical Center for Transformational Action. We are Evangelical in theology, Ecumenical in our partnerships and Emergent in our methodology.

Biblical texts such as the Exodus story, the healing of Naaman, prophetic denunciations, parables of Jesus and the common life of the early church have been crucial in the development of what I’m calling “Revolutionary Koinonia” both in the revolutionary situations of Nicaragua and Chiapas, Mexico. My hypothesis is that as a larger vision takes hold in a society the tensions and divisions among Christians begin to pale while a new unity begins to form. Various things begin to happen that lead to this unity. Among them are: 1.) grassroots unity 2.) the poor are listened to 3.) injustice is denounced 4.) new values are lifted up and 5.) a new common life is manifested.


At 8:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan,
I will be very interested in reading your paper on this topic. please send en email when it is posted, or just send a copy. I need a reminder to go to your blog.

Bill Q from PALM

At 8:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan,
I will be interested in reading your paper. please send me an email when it is available.

Nice visiting you in DF recently.

Bill Q of PMM


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