August update
Dear Friends,
As we are in the final countdown to the birth of our son, I will try to provide this update of our lives over the past two months. Our gynecologist continues to instill in us much confidence with his years of experience and knows the precise time for our baby to make his arrival. He says by Aug. 30 or 31 (or possibly a few days later), as he assures us that the baby is much more comfortable inside of Angelica now until his development is ready to handle the external world.
While Angelica has been trying to rest in her family home over the past couple months, Dan has been busy with renewing his visa in Mexico City, working with a Christian book distributor of Kairos books setting a calendar for activities for 2008, leading a delegation of five young Mexican people to indigenous communities of Chiapas and teaching a Wed. night series in Aug. at a local church on "4 characteristics of a true prophet" from I Kings.
Please continue to pray with us as we seek God's will for us after the birth of our son as we seek to balance the most important task of raising a child with medical work in Oaxaca and an increasingly full schedule in Chiapas. We continue to feel God leading us toward the vision he gave us three years ago that was summarized in our pamphlet called: "Reflecting the Shalom of God among Indigenous communities of Southern Mexico." That, for us, seems to include Puebla, Oaxaca and Chiapas.
Paz y amor en Cristo Jesus,
Dan & Angelica