Friday, July 25, 2008

"walking humbly..."

Continuing our search for how to live out our theme verse for our ministry from Micah 6:8, we came across the following article about the ministry of accompaniment, solidarity or what this author calls, "coming alongside of." He writes that it takes humility to live among, come alongside of and bring hope to hopeless people. That is what we are desiring to do here in San Mateo Tlaixpan. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. Please read this excerpt from an excellent article called...

Poverty and Personal Responsibility (by Romal Tune)

...And yes, I understand that this notion of stepping out of our comfort zones to have deeper personal relationships with people whom we don't know and perhaps don't understand, is not very appealing or makes us uncomfortable. But is this not what Jesus did? Every person he encountered was a stranger before that moment. In fact, we were strangers when he found us. But as it was when Jesus walked the earth, reaching out to those in need of change, touching people who had never felt a compassionate hand, so it is today.
Yes, in our own power and limited ability we cannot do this, and I would daresay that some may not want to do it, but with God all things are possible. If we humble ourselves and say, "God, I cannot move this mountain, I need you to move it for me, increase my faith," then and only then can we truly eliminate poverty by liberating the poor from the psychological bondage of their circumstances.
I know this is possible because it is my story. Had it not been for men and women who believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself, people who refused to leave when I tried to force them out of my life, had it not been for them I would either still be living in poverty, selling drugs, in a gang, or dead. But thanks be to God for those men and women who refused to give up on me simply because they realized that in their own lives, God refused to give up on them. Yes, we need better policy, new programs, and personal responsibility, but perhaps what we need most is to stand alongside the people who need us most.
Rev. Romal Tune is the CEO of Clergy Strategic Alliances, a graduate of Howard University and Duke University School of Divinity, and a member of the Red Letter Christians.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

July update

Dear Friends & Family,

Sorry we haven't updated in a few weeks but our return to Puebla has found us hitting the ground running. Dan has made one trip to Mexico City to meet with the Kairos book distributor to organize activities for this Fall. He will be there again tomorrow to apply for Mexican citizenship so please keep that in your prayers. Back in our hometown here in Puebla, we have been working to finish a govt. built home for our niece who is a single mom with two children. We also have been clearing the land for construction of our "Jubilee Center" which will house the JEM office in Mexico, library/resource room, medical consultation space with small pharmacy, distribution center for indigenous merchandise and who know what else...

The last four years we have continued our "eye-opening" trips to Chiapas with mostly participation from young people from Puebla. In 2005 we also included a few from Chicago and Barcelona, Spain and this summer we will welcome a retired sociology prof. from TX who will join 5 young people from Puebla. It is both eye-opening for us and an encouragement to our indigenous friends in Chiapas who continue to suffer the effects of low-intensity war. We invite anyone reading this blog to participate with us in an upcoming trip. Just let us know.

Angelica's hometown here in Puebla is called San Mateo Tlaixpan and has historically been very resistant to any other religious groups aside from Catholicism. But about 5 years ago the Jehovah's Witnesses were able to build a building just on the outskirts of the town and they do door to door witnessing each Sat. A little Evangelical church began last Fall where one of Angelica's sisters is helping to plant. We hope to begin attending after our summer activities. But our little MIJE (JEM in Spanish) group will continue to meet as well as a testimony of breaking down barriers of religion, language, culture and socio-economic status. God has called us to be "One in Him that the world might believe" and we are calling ourselves a little seedling of His Kingdom.

On July 14 Angelica and Dan celebrated 6 years of marriage and it was a special joy to include our little miracle in our plans for the day. Jacob is growing and developing normally for which we give thanks to God and continues to give us much joy.

with our love,

Dan & Angelica