Happy Cinco de Mayo!

We have finished our transition years as our Center here in San Mateo Tlaixpan, Puebla is ready to open and Angelica and I have received confirmation for our new direction. We are now officially "national workers" with Palm Missionary Ministries. Palm is a group that exists to serve the national church through websites, newsletters and receiving donations. We will be working with Palm to help organize Mexican missionaries and their ministries.
We are tentatively planning a US visit this summer to be able to share with many of you this new direction in our lives. It is a good feeling to recognize the confirmation from God for steps of faith we took two years ago in moving from Oaxaca to Puebla. While we continue to hold in our hearts the ministry of Rocablanca as well as our contacts in Chiapas, we know that our base is now in Puebla though with regular visits to both Oaxaca and Chiapas on behalf of Palm.
Our donations now can be received with checks made out to "Palm" and "Swansons" on the memo line and sent to:
Palm Missionary Ministries, Inc.
1315 Campo Sano Avenue
Coral Gables, FL
1315 Campo Sano Avenue
Coral Gables, FL
Thank you so much for your prayers and support through these transition years and we look forward to even greater partnership with you in the future.